# 2023-09-25 # Tasks: mounts --- - ansible.builtin.include_vars: mounts.yml - name: Create mount directories ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ item }}" owner: root group: root state: directory mode: u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rwx with_items: "{{ mounts_create }}" when: - ansible_facts['system'] == "Linux" tags: - system - mounts - create - name: Append informations to fstab ansible.builtin.lineinfile: backup: true path: "{{ fstab_path }}" state: present line: "# {{ item }}" with_items: - "master: {{ common_mastering }}" - "updated: {{ ansible_date_time.date }}" when: - ansible_facts['system'] == "Linux" tags: - system - mounts - fstab - append - name: Append mount directories to fstab ansible.builtin.lineinfile: backup: true path: "{{ fstab_path }}" state: present line: tmpfs {{ item }} tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0 with_items: "{{ mounts_fstab_append }}" when: - ansible_facts['system'] == "Linux" tags: - system - mounts - fstab - append - name: Remount all mount ansible.builtin.shell: | mount -a when: - ansible_facts['system'] == "Linux" tags: - system - mounts - remount